Saturday, April 5, 2014

We Must Know God

Katelyn lives in Florida with her family, her guinea pig, cats, fish, and whatever other critters decide to come and visit for the day. She is always smiling and looking for ways to make people laugh. She loves animals and weight lifting and wants to be a vet when she grows up. Katelyn also has depression and anxiety and has climbed a lot of mountains to get to where she is today. Many things in the past have threatened to hold her down, but she chooses to look forward to her bright and beautiful future!

Katelyn said "[In the past I] felt like I was in a dark, lonely place. I woke up not knowing who my true friends were. Not knowing were I belonged and wondering if I [would] ever be good enough."

So how did this girl who felt lost, worthless, confused, and depressed become a vibrant, beautiful, confident daughter of God? She turned her life to God. Personal progress was one of the first things Katelyn and her sister started as they began their journey to come closer to God. They read scriptures, prayed, and did service in order to complete their personal progress projects.

Katelyn has also has found great strength in prayer and in reading the scriptures; both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. She treasures the answers she has received through prayer and scripture study. Before she began this quest to come closer to Christ she claimed to be an atheist. She had been exposed to small parts of a multitude of religions and concluded altogether that none were for her. That all changed when she chose to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. She described several sacred and spiritual experiences when she felt of God's love and knew for herself that God was not only real, but He was there and aware of her and her needs.

She says, "...sometimes life proves to be a challenge, but we must stay strong no matter what. When others put us down we must know that we are beautiful no matter what others think or say... [we] must know that God has a purpose for each and every one of us."

With Katelyn I add my witness that Heavenly Father loves each one of us because we are His children. He knows exactly what we are going through. He rejoices when we do what's right and weeps with us when we are sad. He knows us perfectly and loves us perfectly.
We find hope in knowing God.

Keep shining!

Names changed for privacy purposes

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